Thursday, August 4, 2011

Custom jewelry business plan

Custom jewelry business plan

Custom jewelry business plan Custom Jewelry Design Business Plan Contemporary Ti is a start-up that has the property of the owner. Marketing is the key to increase the visibility and awareness of contemporary design and its products, you. The basic requirement of the market for unique art jewelry made of titanium. Titanium is used for its hypoallergenic properties (ideal for necklaces and earrings that touching the skin), his incredible strength and lightness. Market Summary Contemporary Design offers a variety of market information and the attributes of their target customers. This information is used again to determine who is the customer's specific needs, and how you can best contemporary design can communicate with them.

Contemporary design needs of the market you is to provide its customers with innovative, creative, handmade jewelry. It offers the following benefits to its customers: • Selection: A wide range of styles of jewelry, creations, anodization, and systems. • Accessibility: Ti-design sells its products directly to consumers through a network of galleries of art / jewelry, and art fairs and exhibitions. • Customer service: The patron is the degree of attention and service they receive will be impressed. This level of service is seen in all transactions with the drawings you to answer questions about the outlet for warranty repairs. • Competitive prices: The price offers consumers good value for handmade jewelry and crafts with a reasonable profit. Market trends market trends in the jewelry industry is a step in the direction of their own, unique pieces and limited production items. This trend is in response to the climate of the area in the mid-nineties, when the market was flooded with thousands of pieces of jewelry identical jewels. In a few years, people were running in the other who had the same piece of jewelry. This element of confusion or "run of the mill-ness" increased the demand for art jewelry that was unique and low cost of production, not something you should see very often. The customers are creating with other similar trinkets as a way to stand distinguish it from ordinary people, a way out. This desire is part of a broader desire to be different. Contemporary Design We take this trend by creating unique pieces that are used different.

The growth of the great artistic jewelry market will grow at a healthy 9%. This growth is set to value people on the badge, unique jewels are returned to the city. Another factor is the growth, the fusion of art and jewelry. Traditionally, it has been decorated pieces of jewelry in precious metals. The pieces were beautiful symbol of wealth and status. As long as the piece was it was worth the precious metal is attributed to the game only for what has been done, regardless of the creativity of the piece itself. The younger population, which recognizes the aesthetic value of art is now demanding jewelry, are artistic elements. In essence, it is art you wear. These trends are supporting industry growth.

SWOT Analysis The following SWOT analysis captures the strengths and weaknesses within the company and describes the opportunities and threats for Contemporary Design You. Strengths • Unique design and construction methods. • Strong relationships with suppliers and galleries. • The flexibility to offer custom-made pieces. • A network of full deployment of a robust website and a network of tunnels. Weaknesses • A large part of the market, the TI is not aware of the products of contemporary design. • limited time and budget, the company is the target market is segmented. • The struggle to create always new projects. • The potential inability of the question due to the small size of the needs of society. • A growing market opportunities to a large extent is not known, you Contemporary Design. • The ability to size the company is growing so Steve spends his time with the creation and allowing others to deal with administrative details. • The injection of fresh, creative projects in an area a little 'stale. • A reduction of threats to the availability of raw materials due to demand from other sectors. • Artistic imitators enter the market and imitate Steve drafts. • An economic slowdown, which will reduce the disposable income of the people '. Competition and buying patterns as already mentioned, the jewelry industry is composed of thousands and thousands of people. Some of the work and distribute at local, national set up other distribution systems. Some artists to design products for large companies to produce, design and implementation of other parts of myself. This plan is a short section of the competition. This is because of the very large and distributed design of the jewel craft, the market is too dispersed to have a complete catalog of the competition. Competition in the following ways: • The artists create designs that are mass produced and distributed nationally. The artists could quite famous for having created their own club name, design and the product is manufactured and sold under the name of larger companies. If the artist is not famous enough to have the name recognition at national level, could designers, a company hired to develop plans for a company that produce and sell the product, include. • A company that has its own in-house designers. In this case, everything is internal, to design, marketing and wholesale. Another option could be in-house designer, marketer and wholesaler-winning production. • artists like Steve, who design and make all the same games, and then have the same wholesale or retail. Essentially one-man show. The purchasing behavior of consumers in general are divided into two types. Gifts and impulse purchases. Buy a gift occurs when the buyer is looking for a gift for someone who sees the work of art, and then buy it. In this case, the plan to make a purchase, it is not easy to know what or where the purchase is made. The purchasing behavior of others is an impulse purchase. Someone will buy, do not need anything, you see the item and have to buy it on the spot. A final model that occurs less frequently, when someone was looking for an "accessory" that should fit in a dress and took the jewel to come and buy it. You design a contemporary range of products produced jewelry in titanium. The jewels are in the form of pendants, earrings and brooches. All the jewels are made of titanium. All products are designed and produced by Steve. Steve has chosen for its unique properties of titanium. And 'stronger than steel, but similar in weight of aluminum. And 'inert and hypoallergenic. Most of the jewelry is left unfinished. The cast of Titan itself looks quite nice. Some parts are anodized. Anodizing adds a wide range of colors on Titan. Anodizing titanium submerging in water is electrically charged, or connect the titanium to a power source. When charged with electricity to form an oxide film on the light or the surface of Titan, and this produces color. You pieces of contemporary design are made of sheets of titanium. The material is cut with a knife. The interior of the pieces are cut by drilling a small hole through the inside and the insertion of a blade. All pieces are printed on several pieces made of titanium. The pieces are held together by rivets. Small holes are drilled through the different parts and a small head (empty) is inserted through. The head and the end of the rivet with a hammer and knocked on the enlarged end holds the pieces together. Besides the benefit of the rivets, is aesthetic in relation to the overall look of the piece. • Customer service key to success. • Unique designs. • creativity. • Professionalism. Problems of contemporary critical IT projects is still speculative as a start-up companies. His critical approach is still a modest fiscal expansion at a reasonable price, not the expansion itself, but because it makes economic sense. Contemporary design you will continue to build brand awareness, growth of customer base and guaranteeing Gallery

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